École Centrale de Nantes

Courses Training Type
Description VHDL CORO (M1), ITII-SEC 1st year (L3) lecture, tutorial and lab
Introduction microcontroller and electronic General engineer 1st year (L3) tutorial and lab
Microcontroller programming (bare metal application and drivers) CORO (M1), ITII-SEC 1st year (L3) lab
Real Time Programming (Linux Xenomai) ITII-SEC 2nd year (M1) lab
Design controllers with Grafcet General Engineer 1st year (L3) tutorial and lab
Artificial Intelligence - Supervised Learning ITII-SEC 3rd year (M2), General Engineer 2nd-3rd year (M1-2) lecture, tutorial and lab
Artificial Intelligence CORO (M1) lab
Introduction Smartphone programming ITII-SEC 2nd year (M1) lecture, tutorial and lab
Measure latency of a numerical circuit CORO-ERTS (M2) project
Autonomous sailboat project ITII-SEC 3rd year (M2) lab/project
CORO : Control and Robotics (master of 2 years)
CORO-ERTS : Embedded Real-Time Systems (M2)
ITII-SEC : Communicating Embedded Systems (engineering training of 3 years)