
  address = {Vienna, Austria},
  booktitle = {18th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS 2020)},
  author = {R\'emi Parrot and Didier Lime},
  editor = {Nathalie Bertrand and Nils Jansen},
  month = sep,
  publisher = {Springer},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  title = {Backward Symbolic Optimal Reachability in Weighted Timed Automata},
  pages = {41-57},
  year = 2020,
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-57628-8\_3},
  pdf = {}
  author = {R\'emi Parrot and  Mika\"el Briday and  Olivier H. Roux},
  booktitle = {The 28th IEEE International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH 2021)},
  month = jun,
  publisher = {IEEE},
  title = {{Pipeline Optimization using a Cost Extension of Timed Petri Nets}},
  year = 2021,
  doi = {10.1109/arith51176.2021.00018},
  pdf = {}
  author = {R\'emi Parrot and  Mika\"el Briday and  Olivier H. Roux},
  booktitle = {The 42th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency (Petri Nets 2021)},
  month = jun,
  volume = {12734},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  title = {{Timed Petri Nets with Reset for Pipelined Synchronous Circuit Design}},
  year = 2021,
  category = {intc},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-76983-3_4},
  pdf = {}
  address = {Prague, Czechia},
  author = {R\'emi Parrot and Hanifa Boucheneb and  Mika\"el Briday and  Olivier H. Roux},
  title = {{Expressiveness and analysis of Delayable Timed Petri Net}},
  booktitle = {16th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES'22)},
  publisher = {IFAC},
  month = sep,
  year = 2022,
  doi = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.10.355},
  pdf = {}

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